Monday, September 7, 2009

Life tips: Getting the female ticks out of your pet

Alright, it isn't exactly what the title says...but if you put a little imagination into your thought, you'd get it.

*Hint: Ticks are parasites yea? and pet is something you love and are committed to.


And so it is actually,


So, i was thinking...every girl will probably encounter this problem at least once in their lives, if not once every year depending on the attractiveness level of your catch.

Here's a wiki post on it ...
(Yes, Wiki has it all...!!! Banzai!)

How to Stop Other Girls Flirting with Your Boyfriend

There are girls out there who feel that they can get anything they want, including something that's not available for the taking, like your significant other. Here is a helpful way to keep those girls from ruining your relationship


  1. Figure out if the girl is just being friendly, or if she's actually looking to wedge herself in between you two. You don't want to cause a scene if she's just trying to be nice.
  2. Make sure your boyfriend isn't egging her on in any way. In fact, if he is shutting down the advances but the girl still persists, suggest that he move away from them at the bar, or stop hanging out with her.
  3. If the girl persists in her shameless flirting, confront her. Tell her calmly but firmly, "I do not like you talking/acting like that around my boyfriend." Make sure she understands that her advances are not welcome now or ever.
  4. If she still persists in her quest to bag your boyfriend (and it can/does happen), be prepared to fight dirty. Name calling, *edit*---can be used---. Try this tried and true phrase, "Look, you little skank, this isn't Baskin Robbins, and he isn't one of the 31 flavors. No samples."
  5. If she still doesn't get the picture, consider voicing the idea of filing harassment charges.


  • If your boyfriend seems to welcome the advances, or if he seems to be encouraging the behavior, let her have him. (He's not worth it)
  • Don't have loud, attention grabbing arguments with your boyfriend in public, as those tend to draw other women over to "comfort" him.
  • Be calm, yet firm when talking to the unwelcome female. Save your insults for a last ditch effort. If you come out slinging hurtful comments, you're going to look stupid, not her.

End note:

I think the most important thing is not about knowing how to fend them off but instead letting your partner know that you're not comfortable about him being so oblivious to the advances. Guys are just naturally slow in these things and they will just think that you're over-reacting. We understand our species better than them. More often than not, we are usually right. For the guys, it's usually all good fun...until the roles are reversed.

Even if you're good friends, do respect the fact that you remain attached regardless of whether your girlfriend is present or not.

So girls...follow your mind, your intuition, your instincts...and sharpen that tongue.

The best way to euthanize these ticks is by instilling fear and guilt in their mind to the very last brain cell. If she starts screaming at you for explaining simple logic, act surprised and remain calm. Remember, don't disgrace yourself by entering the shouting competition.

Wishing you happiness. Signing off.

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