Monday, October 13, 2008

Lee Hom singing for FFVIII? (Liu Lei Shou Xin)

Wonder if anyone noticed...

Was really obvious when i saw the MV for the 1st time(5 years back i think).

This is too much...Imitating Squall and Laguna is still within acceptable range (since he's a narcissist anyway and Nicholas Tse did the same thing)...BUT imitating RINOA?!?!


If he didn't have such good songs, i would have joined the Anti-Lee Hom faction right there and then.

Seriously, if anyone can find the copyright documents or anything legal stating that he can just rip the idea off Squaresoft (now SquareEnix)...pls send it to me.

And if putting nano-seconds of words like "Squaresoft Final Fantasy" could save his ass from getting sued....then plagarism should not be seen as a crime in universities and pirated stuff is legal. -high sarcasm-

Lee Hom (aka Mr. Squall-Laguna-Rinoa-wannabe) singing Liu Lei Shou Xin...

Liu Lei Shou Xin - Wang Lee Hom

1 comment:

zephyrcj said...

wow~!! you gonna join anti-leehom!?! noway!?! i love him!!! lol!

so how have you been? didn't know you have a blog. came across at erica's blog!!