A few things to look out for in the trailer:
- Characters from old FF series have now been remodeled and reCG-ed to a quality finish equivalent of FFX.
- Look out for Squall Vs Ultimecia
- Look out for Squall Vs Sephiroth....YES, THE CLASH OF THE BISHIES!
- Our hero Squall has been given a voice. I suspect it could be the same seiyuu from KH II.
- Retrace scenes in 2, 3 and 4 to savor Squall in his 3-D CG rendered glory and sexy voice. IF you skipped Squall's part, you're not my friend.
*both hands up* \(^_^)/

Yeap...he looks good in Dissidia, being more 3-D with a voice and all... but I prefer him in the old FFVIII graphics.
Hairstyle was much better there than in Dissidia.
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